Features Conditions Conditional mapping of fields by predicates.
Conditions are used to determine wether a field should be mapped according to certain logic. In some use cases it is required to map a field from the source class only if some predicate is true, condition is that predicate.
We start with our two classes, our source class SimpleEntity
and our destination class SimpleEntityDisplay
Kotlin Java
Copy data class SimpleEntity (
val name: String
Copy public class SimpleEntity {
private String name;
public String getName () {
return name;
public void setName ( String name) {
this . name = name;
Kotlin Java
Copy data class SimpleEntityDisplay (
val name: String = ""
Copy public class SimpleEntityDisplay {
private String name = "" ;
public String getName () {
return name;
public void setName ( String name) {
this . name = name;
Creating Conditions
To create a condition, create a new class implementing the MappingCondition<T>
Kotlin Java
Copy class NotBlankStringCondition : MappingCondition < String > {
override fun isValid (context: MappingConditionContext < String >): Boolean {
return ! context.originalValue. isNullOrBlank ()
Copy public class NotBlankStringCondition implements MappingCondition < String > {
@ Override
public boolean isValid (@ NonNull MappingConditionContext < String > context) {
return context . getOriginalValue () != null && ! context . getOriginalValue () . trim () . isEmpty ();
The condition above checks that a string is not null or blank. After creating the condition class, all that is left is to use the condition.
Adding Conditions
Adding conditions to fields is available in both DSL and annotation mapping. Conditions can be added only to fields with the same type as the condition .
The condition can be added to annotation mapping using the condition
Kotlin Java
Copy @DefaultMappingTarget (SimpleEntityDisplay:: class )
data class SimpleEntity (
@MappedField (condition = NotBlankStringCondition:: class )
val name: String ,
Copy @ DefaultMappingTarget ( SimpleEntityDisplay . class )
public class SimpleEntity {
@ MappedField (condition = NotBlankStringCondition . class )
private String name;
// Getters and Setters...
We mapped the name field and added the condition. Now the name field will be mapped to SimpleEntityDisplay
only if its value is not null or blank.
Kotlin DSL
The condition can be added to field mapping using the withCondition
Copy val mapper = mapper < SimpleEntity , SimpleEntityDisplay > {
SimpleEntity:: name mappedTo SimpleEntityDisplay:: name withCondition NotBlankStringCondition:: class
Using the DSL, conditions can also be added inline.
Copy val mapper = mapper < SimpleEntity , SimpleEntityDisplay > {
SimpleEntity:: name mappedTo SimpleEntityDisplay:: name withCondition {
! it.originalValue. isNullOrBlank ()
Again, the name field will be mapped to SimpleEntityDisplay
only if its value is not null or blank.
Java Builder
The condition can be added to field mapping builder using the withCondition
Copy MappingDefinition mappingDefinition = new MappingDefinitionBuilder( SimpleEntity . class , SimpleEntityDisplay . class )
. mapField ( "name" , "name" )
. withCondition ( NotBlankStringCondition . class )
. build ();
Also with the builder, conditions can also be added inline.
Copy MappingDefinition mappingDefinition = new MappingDefinitionBuilder( SimpleEntity . class , SimpleEntityDisplay . class )
. mapField ( "name" , "name" )
. withCondition (context -> context . getOriginalValue () != null && ! ((String) context . getOriginalValue ()) . trim () . isEmpty ())
. build ();