Mapping to destination classes without a no arg constructor.
Due to the fact that ShapeShift uses reflection behind the scenes, destination classes need a no arg constructor. But in some cases you have no control over the destination classes and cannot modify them to add a no arg constructor. This is where Instance Mapping comes into play, you can pass already-instantiated destination objects to the map method.
Version 0.0.7 of ShapeShift introduced new Object Suppliers functionality as an improved solution for the no arg constructor issue.
data class SimpleEntity(
val name: String,
val description: String,
val privateData: String
public class SimpleEntity {
private String name;
private String description;
private String privateData;
// Getters and Setters...
data class SimpleEntityDisplay(
val name: String,
val description: String
public class SimpleEntityDisplay {
private String name;
private String description;
public SimpleEntityDisplay(String name, String description) { = name;
this.description = description;
// Getters and Setters...
SimpleEntityDisplay does not have a no arg constructor. You can either add a no arg constructor or initiate a new instance of SimpleEntityDisplay and pass it to the map function.
val shapeShift = ShapeShiftBuilder().build()
val simpleEntity = SimpleEntity("test", "test description", "private data")
val simpleEntityDisplay = SimpleEntityDisplay("", "")
// Passing simpleEntityDisplay as a destination instance
val result =, simpleEntityDisplay)
ShapeShift shapeShift = new ShapeShiftBuilder().build();
SimpleEntity simpleEntity = new SimpleEntity();
simpleEntity.setDescription("test description");
simpleEntity.setPrivateData("private data");
SimpleEntityDisplay simpleEntityDisplay = new SimpleEntityDisplay("", "");
// Passing simpleEntityDisplay as a destination instance
SimpleEntityDisplay result =, simpleEntityDisplay);