Implicit Transformers

Useful transformers for subclasses mapping.

In this guide, we'll review two new built in transformers added in ShapeShift version 0.0.7, ImplicitMappingTransformer and ImplicitCollectionMappingTransformer.


ImplicitMappingTransformer is used to transform subclasses mapped with ShapeShift. Lets look at the following example:

We have mapped Address class to its display class AddressDisplay.

class Address {
    var country: String? = null

    var city: String? = null

    var address: String? = null

class AddressDisplay {
    var country: String? = null
    var city: String? = null
    var address: String? = null

We can use ShapeShift to map Address to AddressDisplay. But what we do if Address is a subclass? We use the ImplicitMappingTransformer.

class User {
    var name: String? = null

    @MappedField(transformer = ImplicitMappingTransformer::class)
    var address: Address? = null

class UserDisplay {
    var name: String? = null
    var address: AddressDisplay? = null

The ImplicitMappingTransformer uses the ShapeShift instance internally to map Address to AddressDisplay.


ImplicitCollectionMappingTransformer has the same job as ImplicitMappingTransformer but for collections.

class User {
    var name: String? = null

    @MappedField(transformer = ImplicitCollectionMappingTransformer::class)
    var addresses: List<Address>? = null

class UserDisplay {
    var name: String? = null
    var addresses: List<AddressDisplay>? = null

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